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Please note that the Rupee rate (LKR) is valid for Sri Lankans only. The Sri Lankan National ID is required to proceed with the LKR rates. For more information please visit Terms and Conditions

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Local Employment

Opportunities that enhance the quality of life

At Vis ta Vie, our unwavering dedication to inclusivity drives our mission. We are deeply committed to providing enhanced employment prospects to the local community, with 45% of our workforce hailing from the immediate area, regardless of their background or beliefs. Our focus is on embracing diversity and ensuring equal opportunities, fostering an inclusive environment that benefits everyone involved.

By concentrating on hiring individuals from the communities surrounding Vis ta Vie, we actively contribute to economic empowerment. This approach not only strengthens the local economy but also nurtures a workforce deeply rooted in the estate’s heritage and core values. We prioritize not only providing jobs but also cultivating a positive work culture. Respect, cooperation, and mutual understanding form the foundation of our harmonious environment, where every individual is not just an employee but a valued member of our community.

This nurturing atmosphere ensures the well-being and development of our staff, fostering a workforce that is not only dedicated to their tasks but also deeply passionate about preserving the estate’s legacy. Our commitment to inclusivity extends beyond the workplace; it enriches the experiences of our guests. By championing diversity and equal opportunities, we proudly serve as a symbol of unity and progress in our community.

Sustainability at Thema Digital Space

Green Moments in Every Square
