Natural Dyes at the Paper Recycling Center at Aliya

Thema Collection’s Paper Recycle Center Adopts the Brilliance of Natural Dyes!

In the serene heart of Sri Lanka, nestled among the lush greenery of Sigiriya, Aliya Resort & Spa stands as a pioneer of sustainable hospitality. At the core of Thema Collection’s commitment to environmental stewardship lies Aliya’s very own paper recycling center. Here, innovation meets tradition, as we introduce a groundbreaking concept that not only recycles paper but also harnesses the vibrant hues of nature through the leaves of Jackfruit, the bark of the Damba tree, the leaves of the Bidi Tree, and the golden turmeric bulbs.


A Commitment to Sustainability

At Thema Collection, we have embraced a holistic approach to sustainability under our 4R concept: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Respect. In our quest to minimize waste and make the most of our resources, we established a paper recycling facility at Aliya Resort & Spa. This initiative not only benefits our environment but also creates meaningful job opportunities for the local community.

The Green Chemistry of Paper-Making

What sets our paper recycling center apart is its commitment to chemical-free paper-making, relying solely on the power of water. Our eco-friendly approach ensures that the process leaves behind a minimal carbon footprint. We are proud to be at the forefront of this green revolution, demonstrating that innovation can coexist harmoniously with nature.

Initially, our paper factory focused on producing drip mats for our entire hotel chain. However, starting in 2020, we expanded our product range to include baggage tags, souvenirs, birthday cards, and other items. This expansion not only helped us reduce operational costs but also provided an ideal alternative during times of economic crisis when printing costs and material prices surged.

The Natural Dye Revolution

What truly sets our paper recycling center apart is our integration of natural dyes into the paper-making process. We draw inspiration from Sri Lanka’s rich natural resources, using the leaves of Jackfruit, the bark of the Damba tree, the leaves of the Bidi Tree, and the vibrant turmeric bulbs to create an enchanting palette of colors for our paper-based products.

  • Jackfruit Leaves (Artocarpus heterophyllus): These leaves impart a deep green, symbolizing the vitality of nature.
  • Damba Tree Bark (Syzygium revolutum): The natural earthy tones evoke a sense of grounding and balance.
  • Bidi Tree Leaves (Bauhinia recemosa): With their gentle hues, they bring a touch of serenity and harmony.
  • Turmeric Bulbs (Curcuma longa): Radiating golden warmth, they infuse our creations with positivity and energy.

Crafting Sustainable Art

Our artisans have mastered the art of blending these natural dyes into the paper-making process, creating a stunning array of products that not only tell a story but also contribute to the preservation of our planet. Every piece we produce is a testament to our commitment to sustainability and creativity.

Join us on this Journey!

Aliya Resort & Spa’s paper recycling center is not just a facility; it’s a testament to our dedication to sustainable living and our commitment to the local community. By weaving the vibrant hues of nature into our paper-based products, we are not only crafting art but also a sustainable future for all. Join us in this journey towards a greener tomorrow, one sheet of paper at a time.

Experience the magic of nature’s palette at Aliya Resort & Spa – where sustainability meets creativity.


Published on : 08 SEP 2023