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Please note that the Rupee rate (LKR) is valid for Sri Lankans only. The Sri Lankan National ID is required to proceed with the LKR rates. For more information please visit Terms and Conditions

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Local Employment

Committed to creating new employment opportunities

At Mountbatten Bungalow, uplifting and improving the lives of the local community is at the heart of our mission. We recognize the significance of our role in the community and prioritize local employment, hiring a significant number of our staff from the nearby areas. We firmly believe that every employee has a vital role to play in our journey towards a sustainable and inclusive future.

Our work culture at Mountbatten Bungalow revolves around providing a wide range of employment opportunities to individuals living near our property. We invest in the education and training of our employees to ensure they reflect the highest standards of the hospitality industry. Additionally, we have established welfare programs to address the immediate needs of our staff, ensuring their well-being and fostering a supportive work environment. In alignment with Sri Lanka’s existing labor laws, we remunerate every employee above the legal minimum living wage, prioritizing fair and just compensation.

As a responsible member of the community, we take pride in our commitment to creating a positive impact on the lives of our employees and their families. By promoting local employment, empowering our staff through education and training, and ensuring fair compensation, we aim to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the community while upholding the values of social responsibility and compassion that define Mountbatten Bungalow’s ethos.

Sustainability at Thema Digital Space

Green Moments in Every Square
